Sunday, August 23, 2009

Good sign!

Okay, today was one of those days... you know, where everything that could go wrong, goes wrong. You know, where several separate variables effected eachother to create the worst situation. Haven't had one of those in a while. So, the symptoms I was thinking where just wacked out allergies really is a nasty summer cold. It flaired up about 48 hours ago - going on day 3. It's 3:30 in the morning and I am still up even though I haven't slept more than a couple of hours in the last 3 days. Something to do with being able to breath.
Anyway, Penelope had tutor at 10am this morning. When she has tutor, I just park the car down the street or in a nearby parking lot and read a book. I usually use the alarm clock on my cell phone to remind me when to go pick her up so I can get lost in my book. I forgot my cell phone when we left - no big deal. I will just watch the clock in the car. I decided to park about a mile away in a parking lot near the grocery store. Last time I parked down the street from Laurie's house, the homeowner of the house I was parked in front of kept looking out the window at me. Anyway, when it was time to go, I went to start the car and the battery died. GREAT. It had a little juice but just not enough. I didn't have my cell to call and tell them I was stuck. So I went into one of the stores I was parked in front of and called my mom. She wouldn't be able to help me for like 3 hours but would try to find the phone number and call Penelope to let her know I'm on my way. It's starting to drizzle outside.
So I leave to store, sick as a dog, walking a mile to Laurie's house while it's drizzling. All I could think about was "Penelope is probably flipping out!" Tardiness/no shows were a common issue with her bio parents. Penelope counts the seconds you are late. If I am more than 2 minutes late picking her up from school or whatever, she goes in and calls on the office phone making sure I didn't "forget her." For me to be as late as I was, she had to figure I fell asleep from being sick or something and with her anxiety.. I moved as quickly as I could, trying to not cough up a lung. By the time I got there, I was nautious, sweating, and desperately needing tissues. I hurried in the front door and Penelope was just sitting there all calm. Calm?
She immediatly asked what happened. I told her about the battery and how I walked. I asked her if she was okay. She said "Yeah, I figured you would get here eventually..." What?? She did admit she thought I had fallen asleep but wasn't really that worried. Her tutor was working with another student when I got there but she said she'd drive us to our car when they were done. She had an appointment so she couldn't help jump start the car but that was fine! I'd figure that out, I was just glad Penelope was fine. Uncle B came to help start the car. He ended up taking Penelope with him so I could get rest - or try at least. Still having hard time with the breathing thing.
Her other student was so cute. His name was Max and he is 10 years old. I had never met him before but when he was done with his session he asked me "So what is wrong with your car?" I told him that the battery was dead. He scratched his chin, wrinkling up his forehead thinking really hard. He then said "You know what you should do? You should keep an extra battery with you." I said "Thank you for the great idea." LOL He continued his thinking and said "Yeah.. and then you should go to mechanics school so you can learn how to put it in your car. It's expensive but that way you won't have this problem again." It was so funny I couldn't help but just tell him that his idea was great and thank him for being so smart. He was so cute! Penelope just looked at me like "Do what??" and I just winked at her letting her know not to fret over it.
I was worried about Penelope spending the day with Uncle B and his kids but I told her she better be good and "Uncle B loves you way to much to cover for you and he promised me he would tell me if you didn't behave yourself. It wouldn't help you if he lied or covered up bad behavior, would it? So be good and helpful." She promised, and he said she was fine.
Good signs! Now I'm off to go blow my nose for the 100th time today. I have a love - hate relationship with saline nasal spray.

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