Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Now George is in Jail

Too much to deal with. I have been through every emotion and back. I feel either numb, or everything. Like standing in a rain storm that hurts your skin but then gets to a point where you just feel everything but without the pain. I found out George is in jail last night. He has been there since Saturday night. He is being charged with 2nd degree felonious assault. Him and a few of his "friends." They all belong to an outlaw biker gang that I'm not going to name here. He is probably going to be going to jail for a while. Him and his buddies tracked down a couple guys from a rival gang and a fight commenced and a few people got stabbed. People had guns, knives and clubs/bats. Did George stab anyone? I don't know. From what I understand, he was driving the getaway vehicle. So I'm sure charges like fleeing the scene, resisting arrest, and aiding and embedding will be considered as well.
Penelope of course doesn't know. My poor parents are beside themselves. He wanted them to post the bond to get him out of jail. The bond would be the same amount as the down payment for the condo we are trying to get. I don't even think it was a consideration. My Dad said "He's 43 years old. If this is the life he wants to have, than he is on his own." I agree but I know how hard that is for my parents. They have tried so hard for years to get him on his two feet. Every time they turn around, it's something else. He gets remarried, his wife beats his daughter and steals all his money. They have him live in their investment property and manage his bills for him. When he doesn't have enough, they pay. I've taken in his daughter, because he can't parent. But it's even been before the past few years. He was always needing them to save him from as early as I can remember. But he joins the KKK and that blows up in his face with the custody of his daughter. Now, he joins this gang and he expects what? The thing is, I'm not terribly surprised. A couple of years ago, I was helping him manage his workers' comp claim and had access to his emails. I came across a weird email from an old friend of his where George was trying to get a hold of someone they both used to know who was a member of this gang. His old friend told George in her email that she didn't want to be any part of it because it's too dangerous and she didn't want to expose her new life, new family and son to that part of her past life. Her email made her sound very scared. My initial thought was "Now what is he trying to do? I can't let him be near Penelope when he's messing around dangerous people again." So I did what any little sister does. I ratted him out to our parents. It turned into one heck of an argument. He called me and told me what a despicable person I was for snooping in his emails. That it was NONE of my business who he hangs out with and who his friends are. I said that it was my business because he could expose Penelope to that (like he did with those people that abused her and that he socialized with!) He said that he is a grown man (yeah right!) and he can do whatever he wants. Penelope is HIS daughter and he can do anything he wants around her. Yes - he actually said that! H.E. C.A.N. D.O. A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G H.E. W.A.N.T.S. A.R.O.U.N.D. H.E.R....
No. He can't. And now I'm not the only one who feels that way, so does the justice system as it seems. My dad said "He could go away for 10 years, and that would be a life sentence for him." George has health problems that will only get worse in jail.
And Harriet knows. Not an hour after I found out Monday night from my Dad, I get an email from her saying she is sorry to hear about him, "What was he thinking? Geez." Then "Are you going to tell Penelope? I don't think that would be good for her." Ya think? Then around 1am she emails me again "If I were you I'd call child support and let them know. Not to be mean or anything but I don't think he has any need for it now." And then yesterday afternoon she emails me saying "Be careful. I don't know if goes after family of but if I were you I'd keep my eye out." Then a little later "Penelope is safe though. They don't go after children." What the heck! I hate her. She is crazy and drama. But just shows what a selfish dysfunctional person she is. Here is her daughter's father who her daughter loves and stupid as he is, him being in jail will devastate Penelope. If he is in jail for a short time, she will not need to know but if he goes away for years, she will have to be told. And here she is just thinking of ways to be drama about it. If it happened to her, I'm sure George would be the same way but I don't have to put up with George. Not like I have to put up with Harriet. At least my parents have been an umbrella for that. I do hope George the best in this time of chaos but I don't need it. Penelope certainly doesn't either.

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