Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Laughed so Hard I Cried

Oh my gosh. I'm sitting at work and I went to check to see if I had any new emails on my cell phone. I thought it was too quiet for a school day. Hadn't had any calls or meltdowns... Around 2:30 I received an email from Penelope's teacher....

Penelope Today

Penelope said you were aware of this - but I wanted to be sure. She stood up in Social Studies class, asked to make an announcement, and invited the entire class to her house after school today......(okay after about 3 minutes of hard laughing I tried to wipe away the tears so I can read the rest...), and every day through Saturday (another minute to collect myself and not cough up a lung laughing) for a "Save the Earth" party. (No she didn't...) She said there would be snacks and games and maybe movies. She said they could come whenever they want - 3 or 4 o'clock. She asked to make a school-wide announcement as well, (Okay that made me laugh hard enough I had to walk around to collect myself) but was told no, since it was not a school event. Is there something else you would like me to do at this point?

After I collected myself, I called the teacher. I busted out laughing again. I apologized. She was laughing to thank goodness. I told her that it was never discussed and I just don't know what this child is thinking. She told me that Penelope had made invitations as well and was handing them out with her address on them and everything. She said the kids were really nice about it and let her down easily saying they had track or other things to do. She said the teacher wasn't sure what to say because he didn't want to embarrass her in front of the class and the aide asked Penelope "Is your Mom aware of this?" Penelope said "Oh yeah. We talked about it." No we didn't. Her teacher said that Penelope was very relaxed and completely seemed to feel like all was right with what she was doing. I told her after further thought I'm kinda starting to get concerned. I'm thinking has she truly cracked?? What would have caused it? Does she KNOW we really haven't talked about this? I asked her teacher if I could talk to Penelope. She said she could have her come to the phone. She is in Math class.
A couple minutes later Penelope got on the phone, kinda timid like "What's going on?" I said "I hear you invited your Social Studies class over to a "Save the Earth" Party today." She said "It's not a party but a study group." She tried to change her tune a little bit which was actually kind of relieving. She knows we haven't actually discussed this and is now trying to make excuses. I told her that it can't happen and we will discuss it later. She didn't like that but accepted it.
Where does this kid come up with these ideas?? Her teacher and I were just amazed at both her creativity and her tenacity. She said that her and Penelope's other teachers never would have thought she would do this. I told her me either, that her behavior has been better and she actually has been doing her chores and following directions at home. She said that it's been doing her work at school. That was a relief to hear. Just don't know with this child. Too funny though.

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