Friday, June 26, 2009

Good News

Two bits of good news, great news really.
1) Penelope's tutor/ a great supporter and friend to our family is open to implementing some unconventional methods with Penelope when she fails to do her homework or work hard. You wouldn't think someone would be so excited about paying for Penelope to do someone else's chores during her tutor sessions (if warranted). I'm thrilled. It will really help her get stronger, and do her homework!
2) I finally got a hold of the YMCA Camp Director. Actually, the person I was trying to reach wasn't the Camp Director so she was on vacation - but regardless we got it straightened out. I met with the Camp Director and her boss this morning and they were really great. I talked about Penelope's need for a safe environment, tough love, structure, no second chances, no yelling... etc. They decided right there who Penelope's counselor was going to be, based on that description. The Director's boss went and retrieved him. I think he will be perfect for her. I went into more description and he read my email that I sent to the boss. He said that when he was a kid, he had ADHD and ODD so he can relate and understands some of the things I'm talking about. He said that was why his personality with the kids is the way it is. He doesn't yell but has been told he is strict by fair. I said "Perfect." He asked about her fake injuries and illnesses. We discussed her past transgressions from camp last year. He said he has EMT training. Perfect. Their concern was that they didn't want to ignore a possible injury. I said I completely understood that. But, just like I'm sure you are trained, investigate.. if it's still possible, then just pull her out and if she all of a sudden gets better, like when something she wants to do is offered, tell her "Oh no, you are hurt, you must sit here." If she says "I'm all better now." Say "You really seemed very hurt, I'd rather be safe than sorry. You have to stay." She will be less likely to fake injury again in fear of missing out on the fun.

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