Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Penelope's IEP

To get you caught up on what has been going on at school behind the scenes since my last post about school, I will just say that it has been it's only little soap opera. I met with the Principal a while ago and that went very well. However, he still to this day has not updated me on what has been done to resolve the issue.
Then about 2 1/2 weeks ago, there was a meeting of Penelope's "Team" to discuss the IEP Evaluation, one of the first steps in developing an IEP (Individualized (?) Education Plan). The evaluation came back with some very positive things to say about Penelope's abilities. The IQ test came back in the "average" range for her age and that the score may be on the low side since her test results - as usual - were not consistant. A lot of the test was progressive - so typically the tester would answer questions right until it became to hard. However, Penelope answered some of the easy questions wrong but nailed the hard problems. She tested at a 4th grade reading level but was slow and her writing was immature etc. It was concluded that her real issue is behavioral, not academic - not that we don't recognize that she is behind. That is what the school psychologist said specifically. The Director of Special Services, when heard comments about the DVD I had sent in, asked me what the techniques were that I had recommended. I ran through the list with her - consequences preferably natural/logical, no 2nd chances, no lecturing, no yelling or emotional disciplining, calling her out on lies, requiring evidence to support statements made etc. She said "Those are all pretty common sense things." My dad was there and talked about "Soup Kitchen" at home. He is so amazed by that. The nurse talked about a situation she had with Penelope after watching the DVD and how it worked and how she is going to use it with other kids. It seemed like a very successful meeting. I purposefully didn't ask about the DVD and if people were following it's techinques or not because we were there about the IEP and I was still hoping to have that discussion with the Principal. The only person who really had anything negative to say about Penelope was Mrs. Carpenter - the person who works with the IEP kids. She ran through her piece of the evaluation, which she brought with her to the meeting seperate from the packet. It went on about her low reading level (2nd grade). I really wasn't listening because that was just her piece, that was out of place from everyone elses. I did over hear her make a comment to the Director that she wanted to get the IEP done before the State Tests. I interrupted and asked why it was important, does it impact that State Tests? She said no, but that Penelope would get the services provided. Whatever, I knew there was a selfish reason based on the tone she had in her voice when she made the original comment.
Anyhow, the meeting was scheduled for 2 weeks out to develop the IEP. Two days before meeting, Mrs. Carpenter sent home with Penelope a draft IEP. It was horribly written. It didn't have any behavioral accommodations and it had a summary conclusion of the evaluation that was mostly narrative and then the test results from Mrs. Carpenter's testing that was from the beginning of the school year and 3 months ago that has Penelope reading at a 2nd grade level. But she put "reading at a 2nd - 4th grade reading level" to compensate for the other tests that were administered. 2nd - 4th grade?? I can listen to a kid read and give that accurate (or broad) of an assessment without administering an actual test. I was pissed.
I called my "mole" my "insider" to help me figure out what to do. I was ready to post-pone the meeting. I didn't feel like I had the energy to do this. To have this battle again. I felt like if I go I'm either going to yell the entire time, or cry the entire time. I was ready to tell whomever that I wanted Mrs. Carpenter off Penelope's "Team." I was so pissed. My dad came over and we worked on what questions we were going to ask and what we were going to at the meeting. And than later that night, my guardian angel, my favorite person in the world called me back, and talked me off my ledge. She was pissed about it too. She told me exactly what I needed to do and didn't need to do. She never told me to not kick Carpenter off the team but explained the pros and cons to an extent. We really didn't know what they were. But I was fearful enough about the unknown to know that I shouldn't do it. I told her I wouldn't. But she made me promise not to sign anything. That wasn't a problem.
The IEP meeting did not go well. The two people I really wanted to be there from the school, the school psychologist and the Director of Special Services were not at the meeting. Carpenter was running this train wreck. This was different than what my insider told me would happen - because it wasn't normal. We are not sure why they weren't there. I did ask and Carpenter acted like I was asking a crazy question. She said it wasn't the way it worked, that they are only present during the evaluation period but are not apart of the IEP. Didn't make sense. I remember that they were listed as part of the meeting on the invite I returned, and they also were part of the discussion at the last meeting as to when to schedule this one. I debated if we should go any further because I felt like that was a bad sign and this was going to be a huge waste of time - but I stayed and listened. My dad was there of course, and he told me he was going to let me lead and do all the talking... which was different than where we were at 24 hours earlier. After my conversation with my best friend, I was ready. Carpenter started to read through a new draft of the one that she sent home two days prior. This one had a behavioral goal attached but it was so generic and the accommodations were exactly the same as the acedemic goals - "extra time taking tests.." all wrong. But before she was halfway through reviewing it outload, she passed a copy to Penelope's two (of the 4 that were present at the last meeting) teachers to have them sign the last page. I interrupted and told them that was pointless because I wasn't signing it. They all three looked at me shocked and Carpenter said that they needed me to sign it because they needed to implement it "today." I said "She still has her 504." She said "No...." and then looked at her other teachers. I said "It's good for a year and we renewed it at the beginning of the year." Then she tried to say it wasn't renewed.. whatever. I am so sick of her! I told her that was what we did at the first meeting when I met her. She finally backed down. But we argued over reading levels - of course. I finally just told her I wasn't signing it if it said 2nd grade on it. That was another promise I made to my special friend. We went over the behavioral piece she had put together and I told her I wanted it to be specific. By this time the person who works with IEP kids in the 6th grade was there. She asked specific questioned and seemed to understand and agree to the things I was saying. However, Mrs. Carpenter said that the emotional "stuff" that Penelope has "alot of" is outside of what they do at school - that is what therapy is for. I told her she had to look at it differently than traditional therapy. Her therapy is in the way her environment is 24/7. When we go to therapy, it's really to check in - to get advice and things like that. Her therapy is at home and at school. I reiterated that if she doesn't have the right environment at school, she comes home and wants the same kind of power at home that she has been allowed to have at school. She lies, tries to manipulate etc. You will never reach the academic goals without implementing behavioral accommodations too. It's more important. You will not have one without the other.
Anyway, there is a lot more that happened at the meeting but those were the big pieces. I just feel like she doesn't care what anyone else has to say, even though she is the only one saying something different. I can't wait until the end of the school year so we can move on.
But I still have the IEP draft and will be revising it.. when I have time. :) I will soon though. I'm doing my research.

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