Saturday, November 6, 2010

Harriet and George

I haven't blogged in a little bit. A lot going on but also, I've changed my blog over to private because of Harriet. I tried to do it a few days earlier but it didn't stick and I wanted to make sure no more posts could possibly be read by her. I think it's okay and if so, I plan to make my blog public again so others can follow it but for right now, I'm just playing it safe.

About 1 1/2 weeks ago, I received an email from Harriet with the following.
"I just found out what happened in with that boy touching Penelope. I heard that George didn't even know until months after Penelope had been in therapy. Why was I never told? I'm beginning to think that a lot has been kept from me. I think it would be a good idea to allow Penelope to start communicating with me. It has been 2 years.I was told in the beginning of all of this , that it would only be a few months. I am truly ashamed that I have let it go this long. Please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible."

I never told Harriet about Penelope's rape. Do I have some guilty feelings about that? Yes. Harriet IS Penelope's mother. Do I feel I made the right decision in not telling her? Yes. Not all decisions that have to be made, especially when it comes to this dynamic, are clear cut. Harriet and her mother have made in clear that they do not believe that Harriet did anything that damaged Penelope in any real lasting way. She will admit that leaving Penelope at 2 1/2 years old hurt Penelope but no more than any other kid with parents get divorced. She feels that the worst thing she did was leave Penelope with her horrible father, George. George was a bad father, but in the beginning, better than Harriet. Penelope at least went into daycare and was being fed and looked after during most of the day. But she was "damaged" before this and that trauma continued for quite some time.

So since Harriet and her mother's perspective is that Harriet did nothing to cause the problems that Penelope has and is living with, it's all George's fault. George and Debbie's (the short term step-mother) fault. Harriet's mother has come short of accusing George of sexually abusing Penelope. I don't think she is completely off her rocker to have this impression as I have had, and still wonder, the same thing. But see, if they were given any validation or confirmation that their feelings are warranted, my fear is that Harriet would try to get custody. They feel because Penelope's behavioral problems didn't really escalate until after Debbie's participation in Penelope's life, it's really all her fault, along with George since it was under his watch. It's a blame game for them. I know who did what, for the most part, and I'm protecting Penelope from her father and her mother. Neither one of them should have any right to make decisions on her behalf. Neither one of them understands, or wants to understand, the trauma they both have caused this child or how it affects her daily life and thinking. If they are not willing to understand it, how in God's name would they ever be able to make good decision for her. I just don't want to give Harriet any reasons to try to intervene with Penelope. I have always said to her that George has not been a good father either and Penelope has issues to resolve regarding him as well, but she has never asked for specifics nor have I have given them. Maybe not telling her these things is going to ultimately do that but I will just have to deal with it the best I can at this point. Because the information comes so slowly and we still really don't know the details, I wasn't going to put myself or Penelope through whatever reaction Harriet and her mother would have with every new breaking news release of information. Can you imagine melodramatic Harriet's reaction to being informed of every time Penelope discloses a little more of her trauma? In order for Penelope to feel safe enough to disclose her trauma, she NEEDS Harriet to stay out of it!

Do I have guilty feelings for not giving Harriet a chance at having the right reaction? Yes, but it wasn't worth the risk. I'm happy to continue to feel guilty about it.

Well, this email came two days after George's bail hearing lowering his bail to an amount that my parents said they could afford to pay to get him out of jail. However, the closing on the condo kept getting delayed for this or that reason and they can't pay the bail until after the closing. My dad wasn't allowed to talk to him the day of the hearing so George was ready to be bailed out when my dad couldn't. The next day he found out and from what I heard, went ape-shit about it. As he's told everyone, he spent 21 days in jail. I can just see the scratch tally on his cell wall. My dad had to borrow money from one of his best friends to get George out of jail, which happened the same day I got Harriet's email. Coincidence? I don't think so.

But he denies denies denies it. I told him "I won't be mad if you told her, I just need to know what was said! I have damage control to do now." He claims "I didn't even know that you waited a couple of months to tell me." I said "I didn't, it's wrong. I didn't tell you right away but the delay was only maybe a couple of weeks. And only because Penelope wouldn't tell me anything unless I promised her." He said "Why would I tell Harriet?" I said "I don't know, complaining? Complaining about me? I don't know." He said "No!" like that was ridiculous. Yeah okay. Our dad told me he told George to cut the crap as we know he did it and gave him a ration of shit for it but he still denied it to him as well.

I had to respond to Harriet with something so I said:
"I think we need to meet. I'm not sure where you are getting your information. But I'd be glad to tell you what we know and what I think has happened to Penelope in her past. Are there things I have withheld from you? Yes, but not what you’re implying. The last time I told you something that demonstrated how sick Penelope is, you told your Mom and at some point had Penelope being committed to a mental hospital soon. Then shortly later I found out from your Mom you were in drug/alcohol rehab. I haven't told you all that Penelope has done and how truly sick she is because I want you to focus on your own health for her sake. When you both are strong enough, I want you to have a relationship. I have talked to both her therapists (up in and her trauma therapist in ) about you and Penelope communicating via email or however and no one feels she is ready. She is making a lot of progress in trauma therapy even though we haven't really touched any specific traumas yet. It's hard to explain. Google EMDR for complex PTSD and Google Reactive Attachment Disorder if you haven't already. Or talk to one of your professors.
I didn't think it would be this long either but I don't think any of us knew what road we were heading down. I have given up my life, career and personal identity to give Penelope a chance at a normal life."

Nothing I wrote in there isn't true. Except I wasn't told by her Mom, but her MIL. I couldn't remember. She had responded that she was never in drug/alcohol rehab nor have had any reason to and that she talked to her Mom and she never said anything. I had to verify my memory with George. It was the MIL that told me. And we don't know if she actually went in or not, but Harriet's husband and MIL were pushing for it. Harriet doesn't know about my conversation with her MIL and I gather her MIL didn't say anything to her about it because it would have caused some real problems between Harriet and her MIL.

Anyway, I had to ask again about meeting and she said she wanted to meet but had to wait until the beginning of the month (Nov) and find out what her mother's schedule was for her to come up. I hadn't asked to meet with her mother and I really don't want to. She is the one that came out and accused me of writing the letter that Penelope wrote to Harriet telling her how she feels. She felt it didn't "sound" like Penelope. Harriet has her so snowed about her lack of parenting with Penelope that she comes into conversations like she really knows what is going on and already has her mind made up as to what a horrible person I am. I don't need that crap! So I've enlisted Penelope's trauma therapist in this meeting. It will be a 2nd opinion for Harriet and her mother since they have met with the attachment therapists. Penelope's attachment therapist said that was a great idea as it will also help the trauma therapist have a better understanding of what she is dealing with by meeting them - as it did her.

However, when I spoke to George the 2nd time, verifying my memory about the rehab center, he said he didn't think it was going to become an issue with Harriet. I asked if he had talked to Harriet since he's been out and he said "A couple of times." He claimed she never mentioned finding out about Penelope's abuse to him either time. He said that he gave her this guilt trip about how hard it is for him right now, that he just can't deal with anymore drama and stress right now... I said "Why would she care about how stressed you are right now? She doesn't care! That doesn't make any sense. This is the same person who threw you under the bus when you were in jail and told me you had called her collect and wanted her to send you pictures of girls to you in jail." He said she wrote him a letter telling him to call her and when he did, it wasn't collect as he used a calling card and that he told her how they each got a fan letter in the mail from some guy and how they joked they wished it was women sending their naked pictures. I believe that because it actually makes sense. He's a pervert, I know, but why would he tell Harriet to send girls pictures to him in jail?

Anyway, his story doesn't make any sense to me. He said that Harriet does throw him under the bus but she has this thing about him, like she always has to know she is good standing with him. She calls him all the time for stupid stuff that he claims he tells her, "Shouldn't you ask your husband about that?" or "Shouldn't you be telling this to your husband?" I can see this being true knowing how she is, but I'm still not buying that his non-specific guilt trip would make her rethink trying to meet about Penelope or continuing to have an issue with this revelation. But then, here it is, a week into November and I haven't heard from her. Nothing.

I still don't buy George's story but I need to know what went down. What are these two up to? What is Harriet up to? I don't care about George. He is controlled by my parents and his legs were cut out from under him with this whole jail and biker gang thing.

She is doing things to try to be the better parent, and I commend her for the effort but I do think she is going about it all wrong. When George went into jail, a few days later she wanted to know if she could talk to Penelope or write her. So that was something she wanted shortly before she "found out" about her abuse. However, he grounds to ask were that she is now in school and is trying to make herself a better role model for Penelope. Also, she recently "follows" me on my Twitter account (which I never use and only used to use it to follow other people like celebs and news shows). Her Twitter account is 100% Catholic. Her profile says "Catholic mother and wife." She has many followers and follows many people. They are all priests and nuns and other Catholic inspired Twitter accounts. She tweeted that she was afraid she'd fail her one psychology class if she revealed her true feelings about abortion and birth control and gays. Oh God, I pray to you that she is on birth control.

The ironic ? hypocritical ? thing about this Twitter "persona" she has created is that she herself has had an abortion. She herself has had a same-sex causal sex thing (while she was married to George). I don't believe that makes one gay but it's that the whole thing against gays from the religious perspective? Anyway, her favorite movie is the Rocky Horror Picture Show. She had joined a satanic cult even. I'm not saying someone doesn't have the right or shouldn't try to become a better person and put their past behind them - but they have to own their past too. She is acting like it never happened.

I told Penelope's attachment therapist about this and she said that Harriet is trying to rectify being one way by becoming the extreme opposite. But it's not real. It's a facade. It doesn't address her real problems, and actually it can make her sicker. Ugh.


marythemom said...

FYI you used Penelope's real name in this post and if you put this back to public you're probably going to want to change that.

Major hugs on the Harriet drama! Our kids biomom has terminated her parental rights and none of my kids' parents have any rights to info about them at all (although I started sending her occasional pictures and a tiny bit of info a couple of times a year out of the kindness of my heart). I can't imagine trying to deal with the drama of the biofamily actually being related to mine.

We went through something similar a couple of years ago with our kids' biomom, when she found my facebook page and tried to friend me, but luckily I had never linked my blog to that old facebook page. (Secretly I sometimes wish she would find my blog and get a clue about how much she messed up these kids.)

Hugs and prayers!!!

Mary in TX

RADMomINohio said...

Hi Mary!
Thanks for the heads up on the "typos." I'm not good about previewing and editing my posts. I just spill out all my thoughts through my fingertips and hit "PUBLISH" with no afterthought. Sometimes when I do go back and read, I will see some horrific spelling errors that I am ashamed of but then instead of actually being more proactive next time and proofread my writing, I just stopped reading my posts. haha. It's all about the emotional cleanse.
I wish Harriet could terminate her parental rights. At one point, during her untimely decision of joining the cult in the middle of me trying to get guardianship - she kept emailing (since that was the only form of communication she would allow) to send something for her to terminate her rights along with whatever she had to sign to approve my guardianship. They told me about it but said there was no such thing. That even if they wrote up something and had a judge sign it, she could always come back and change her mind. I think that's one of the differences between adoption and guardianship? It's something that looms over me, this feeling of it all being somewhat temporary and one of her parents is going to poo all over everything Penelope and I have worked so hard to do in order to heal her wounds so she can be a productive and happy part of society.
I am thinking more and more that she didn't read my blog but I'm just trying to be safe. I will give it another week and probably turn it back on.

Thank you for the hugs and prayers!

marythemom said...

Our kids' biomom terminated parental rights, but it was giving custody to the state (the kids were already wards of the state). That seems strange that she can't terminate parental rights. I'd check again on that. It seems like birthmoms can give infants to adoptive parents so there should be a way to do this. GB's Mom would probably have some good info on that too.

You probably told me this, but do you want to adopt her? I realize now that the birth parents might not be willing to terminate parental rights anymore, but is it possible to adopt? How much danger is there of one of the parents coming back in and taking Penelope?

My kids can choose to go back when they turn 18, but biomom has no rights before then.

I wish I could give you more than hugs and prayers!!


marythemom said...

As to the "typos" I rarely reread my posts for the same reasons. I don't slip on real names very often, but only because I've been blogging so long I actually tend to use the kid's blog names in "real" documents! That's embarrasing! Try explaining to your kid's assistant principal that you really do know your son's name isn't Bear!

People already think I'm nuts because my youngest goes by a nickname of his middle name at home, but EVERYone else calls him by his first name. When people ask me his name I have to pause and really think about it. I sound like an idiot who doesn't know their own child's name.

Mary in TX

RADMomINohio said...

I'd adopt her in a heartbeat. But there is no way. Neither parent would go for it. I'm not sure how much danger. Both of her parents have been mad at me from the get-go that I don't allow them to see her even though it's always been at the direction of Penelope's doctors and therapists and they know that. Their pursuit comes and goes depending on what holidays are around. This is the usual time for Harriet to get her underwear twisted because of Christmas. George too but my parents buffer me from that. Because it's been over two years with Harriet, I expect the real claws to come out this season. But the thing that her therapists keep telling me is that based on their behaviors, they would be surprised if either one did anything because they ultimately don't WANT Penelope. They don't want the burden or responsibility. George has definitely slid back into bachelorhood and enjoys his social life. Harriet on the other hand has stepped up her "Mother" identity which is concerning me. She talks about Penelope as if they are together on her Facebook page and now she has this funky Twitter account where she lists as her profile "Catholic mother and wife"

Based on how Penelope feels and has been pretty consistent with her message, she wouldn't want to see Harriet even after she turns 18. I feel in my heart coming to terms with Harriet as an incapable mother versus a capable but unwilling mother would do Penelope a lot of healing - so I do want her to see her eventually. If it's right.

RADMomINohio said...

Haha! I have to do the pause thing as well because I want to call her Penelope to her teachers and therapists sometimes too. If that's the only reason people think your crazy, than you are fortunate. :) I try to do the whole mismatched clothes and "What year is it?" thing too just to make it clear. lol. Just kidding.
Heck, my mother for years would call me my twin brother's name and him my name or sometimes it was a hybrid of the two and we ARE NOT identical by any stretch - beyond the whole gender thing. And then sometimes she would want to call your name and go through the list of pets, siblings etc before getting to your name. Now she is CRAZY! :)

marythemom said...

So does Harriet have other children or she claiming the "mother" title based on Penelope? The whole situation must be soo scary for you!

We did allow our kids to have one visit with biomom. We knew that Bear was secretly talking to her anyway. We did it with us and the therapists there too. Biomom was told that this was for "closure." It was not going to be the start of visits and communication. She actually was compliant although she has asked for a visit since then (she has custody of the kids' younger sisters so uses them as bait).

Now I am fairly honest with her about the kids being emotionally unstable (I tend to tell her when they are hospitalized). I blow a little smoke up her rear and reinforce that she made the right choice in "giving them a better life." I know she's mentally ill and I placate her. She knows I do not put her down to the children, but I do make sure the kids know it's not their fault and she made bad choices and wasn't able to be a good parent. She trusts me, and has actually asked me to take custody of her other kids if something happens to her!

Mary in TX

marythemom said...

My mom does the same thing!!! My sister and I are 2.5 years apart and she always called us by the wrong name. She finally just started calling us by a hybrid of our names!

Now she still gets us mixed up, but she gets Bob mixed up in it too! She calls Bob by my sister's name or my name and vice versa. She goes through the list of names too. It's not just my sister and I either. She calls my sister's new husband by her old husband's name. She calls my husband by her husband's name and vice versa.

I'd blame it on senility, but she's been doing it for as long as I've known her.

Not just my mom does this though. When we called my dad and step mom to tell her I was engaged to Hubby. Stepmom refered to Hubby by my ex-boyfriend's name, repeatedly. I corrected her every time, and she'd do it again in the next breath. It was kind of funny, but embarassing too.


RADMomINohio said...

Penelope is Harriet's only child. I'm actually very surprised she hasn't had a child since Penelope because she's had so many boyfriends and affairs through her second marriage that you would think mathematically it would have happened. I'm not saying that judge-mentally as I know it's part of her illness. I'm just saying that chances are it would have happened. That's why I'm afraid with her new found religious identity that if she was using some kind of birth control and has now stopped... Oh the thought... Anyway, it is scary to think she could take her away or even force visitation. This is the downside of not involving the State when Penelope was little. I don't know what the outcome would have been. I don't know if you read the History" post. It was the first one. Very long. But the gist of it is there is no record of the abuse, just the trauma.
Looking back at the period of time Bear was secretly talking to his bio-mom, would you say he was acting out more or less? I feel like when these kids feel like they don't need us because we are temporary, the grass is greener back at so-and-so's house and I plan to go there, they just get sicker because they are finding excuses not to bond. I'm glad your kids bio-mom is out of there lives if that is best for them. And it does seem that she trusts you if she'd want you to have her other kids! Harriet hates my guts and just puts on a front for show. Then once in a while she let's some of her true feelings show by saying things letting me know she's never trusted me or she knew I was out to get her etc.

marythemom said...

I probably read the history post, but it would have been a while ago. I'll have to go back and read it.

My kids' mom has borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and a bunch of other stuff. I think it makes a lot of sense that she "trusts me more than anyone in the world" - I'm a total stranger! Her world, like my kids', is very black and white. You are either on a pedestal or they hate you. Since Biomom doesn't know me I'm the "greener grass." (As in, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."). Everyone else she actually knows well enough to give them her kids she hates. She is incapable of trusting anyone. It is because we have a "long distance relationship" that this works.

Plus it's part of her self-image. She tells herself that she did the right thing by giving her kids up so they'd have a "better life." They are with me and appear to have a good life. Therefore, she can reassure herself that she is still a good person. I allow her to keep this fantasy and kind of feed into it a little. I don't want her to change her mind and try to take my kids away (legally she can't do that, but she could turn them against me if she really wanted to).

I don't actually know how things would be different if we'd kept the biofamily completely out of Bear's life. Kitty was pretty much isolated from most of them and she attached, but Bear was so much older. She did use her biograndmother to push us away for awhile ("When I turn 18 I'm moving to Nebraska to live with my Grandma who'll spoil me!"), but I asked the Grandma to explain to Kitty that she loved Kitty, but Kitty belonged with us, and needed to finish high school before she moved away (Kitty will be 19 before she graduates). This did seem to make a huge difference. I didn't do this with Bear and maybe I should have.

I do think that they have romanticized their biofamily a lot.

You asked if Bear acted out more when he was communicating with biomom... the truth is I don't know. We didn't find out until it had been going on for a long time. I'm actually assuming that he's still secretly in contact with her. WE do know he acted out more when he was in contact with Biodad. Especially when Biodad would get sick of him and cut him off again (has happened several times), leaving Bear rejected... again and again.

Honestly we might have been better off if we'd cut all contact with all biofamily until they'd had a chance to bond to us, but it's too late now.
